Monday, December 31, 2007

Imagine us is a Mini Van

Can you picture it? A CISV van full of your JB exec members traveling the country from coast to coast visiting your chapters and having fun... Well, it's not quite in the budget this year but don't worry, we still want our presence to be felt, making jokes, brainstorming and lending a hand (or giving a free ride) if you need it. Since the addition of the communications team we've had to upgrade from a hatchback, and add a few seats from executives of the past, but now we've worked out some kinks and this year the road ahead looks clear. We're all excited to start the roadtrip, so here they are, this year's executive members...

The NJRs (National Junior Representatives)

So I'm Kathy Lewis. Originally from Fredericton, I now live and go to school in Halifax, where I study contemporary history and philosophy, international relations, and gender and women's studies. I have grown to love my new macbook, but am still not as fluent as Alex. I like tea and knitting, but I have been known to get out of the house once in a while for the occasional beer. I love CISV Canada because the juniors have to be extra creative due to our geographical and financial constraints. And they usually go above and beyond the challenge. While I am scared as all hell to be sr. njr, I am incredibly jazzed to be working with such an amazing exec. In my free time I work on the theme committee for the ijb, and am a trainnee on the international mosaic committee. I work at a women's centre as the activism coordinator, and make interesting collages with newspapers and magazines I steal out of recycling bins. I also tend to have unusually animated conversations with my gender-ambiguous goldfish Ralph. He's a horrible listener. Ungrateful jerk.

Hey everyone! My name is Kalenne Thors and I'm originally from the Victoria chapter but I'm currently living in Vancouver, in my second year at UBC. I'm still involved at a local level in Victoria and I'm hoping to get more involved in the Vancouver Chapter, if only the city wasn't so big and I wasn't so busy :)
I'm studying Political Science and I generally like everything associated with that, as well as sports, weekends, recycling and watching movies with my roommates when I really don't have time. I also like holidays and other things that are easily themed. I dislike being bored, not remembering where I put things and the giant puddle that forms outside the Arts building when it rains a lot. I'm super excited to be taking on the job of NJR, continuing on the 'K' tradition and working with everyone (and I mean everyone, JBers, adults, your friend, your cat...).
We really like you (yes you) a lot. We think you're pretty cool. We also like hearing from you. Through the wonders of technology you can email us both, at the same time, at or leave a comment here. Sweet.

The NCC (National Camp Coordinator)
My name is Patrick and I am from Saskatoon. I go the University of Saskatchewan where I am currently in my fourth and final year of studying Political Studies. In my spare time I like to do anything involving film whether it be watching them or making them. I also enjoy writing especially about video games where I have actually had some of my work published in professional magazines. I used to wakeboard but my knees are borked and no longer function up to the necessary level of workingness. The only real job I have ever had was a janitor at a swimming pool, it taught me one very important lesson and that lesson is that the cake is a lie, never believe them when they promise you cake after work. The most interesting moment of my year thus far has to be the time I was walking downtown when me and my friends were threatened by a group of veterans who said and I quote "we will wreck your shit with man", it has since become my favourite catch phrase. So thats me in a nutshell minus the pajamas. It should also be noted that I enjoy letting my fingers frolic in my beard. (Note: As you can see Pat's beard has disappeared... will it be back? Only time will tell)
Wanna talk Nat Camp? Ya you do. To get in touch with Pat fire off an email to

JBDCC (Junior Branch Development Committee Chair)
My name is Safiya Dhanani, I am 16 and I live in the gorgeous city of Vancouver! (I have to say I am quite pleased with the west coast representation this year) I have been in CISV since I was 11; First going to Lucknow, India for my village and then traveling to Cairo, Egypt for my summer camp! Locally, I am 'past chair' as of a couple o weeks ago!
I am an ex-competitive field hockey player. The 'ex' referring to my ANNOYING knee cap injury...which has put me out for the season. I love rock climbing and most outdoor things...building igloos and camping out in them in crazy snow conditions being a favorite as well! I really like coffee. No, let me rephrase, I love the smell of coffee but strangely I can't even manage to finish one cup. I like going for loooooonnnnnng runs especially in the rain. My favorite gadget is currently my ipod, it is very hard to find us apart! Currently my top played bands include; Feist, Phoenix, and Bloc Party. I speak mandarin (not fluently) and I sing a lot! Apart from daily shower singing I sing in 3 choirs. I am currently reading 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance' and am VERY JAZZED to be working with a very stellar and goodlookin, as someone mentioned, group of CISVers.
To get in touch with the JB Development Committee email Safiya at

The Communications Duo- they like speaking in point form.
The ICC (Internal Communications Chair)
-I'm Paula Wilson, but many a man call me PHW or, alternatively, Pdub which is slightly embarassing though catchy.
-I live in downtown Calgary, a block from Western Canada High School but manage to be late 4/5 days no matter what.
-I am also REALLY excited this year about the canuck and generally how everything with jb canada has shaped up to be.
-It's much easier for me to describe my ownself in point form, though occasionally I prefer the run-on paragraph.
-Last night I dreamed that I was Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter, one of 5, and we solved mysteries in the student parking lot of my school.
-Talking on skype makes me uncomfortable because I feel like Phil of the Future!
- I just got my last paycheck from Second Cup, where my favourite customer had no teeth and sat in the corner singing ballads quietly enough that he would not disturb anyone, but loud enough make sure we ALL knew he meant business.
- I'm notoriously terrible at math, though I do write a mean paper.
- I use words like notorious freely though I often do not know in what context they are appropriate.
- My favourite colour is seafoam green, and it may interest you to know I'm terribly afraid of water.
- My current project is writing a one act play with my friend for our January theatre class wherein a couple breaks up at a Karaoke Party because the wife thought her husband's favourite movie was Back to the Future, where it actually is the second Die Hard. It's entitled "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart", you're all invited.
- On that note, my favourite movie is the Big Lebowski.

The ECC (External Communications Chair)
- I am Jessica Mae Williams, "call me Bubbles everyone doesss".
- Jess is fine too.
- I live in Fredericton.
- I go to a real big girl school and I study Fine Arts-ish stuff + Archaeology and Literature
- I'm Seminar Camp Chair for my chapter.
- When I work it's at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.
- I should be writing an Archaeology paper, but I like you more than carbon dating, but not more than dinosaurs.
- I applied for a new job today as coordinator for my University's Art Exhibition. Fingers crossed I get it.
- I just bought two fish, tetra and neon tetra. They're named Harold and Maude. They're on vacation right now at a friends house.
- I like movies A LOT. I thought about telling you my favorites but I'll just say that I like Shogun Assassin and I like you.
"There are many Jess' in the park, they grow tall and the children climb them. One day I will go there and chop all the Jess' down and burn them for heat and comic effect."
- My favorite colour is International Klein Blue. I don't realllly like blue I just like the idea of patenting a colour. Ownership, that's the stuff dreams are made of.

To communicate with the communications team you can email Paula at or Jess at
Canuck submissions can be sent to

There's always room for a few more in the van, so JBers, let us know what you're thinking. We're always looking for input on where we should be headed so don't forget to drop us a line. See that add comments option? Us it! Or, feel free to email, write a letter, facebook stalk or send a carrier pigeon. You know where to find us, in our sweet CISV mini van.

Love love. K and K

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Looking Back, Looking Forward

With the end of the year comes changes in JB Canada. The National Board Meeting in November was once again a time for JB chairs and board members from across Canada to come together to share experiences, work together, learn new things, see old friends and conduct important JB Canada business. This year was a especially exciting NBM since it was CISV Canada's 50th anniversary! (Read: Time to party). It was held in Waterloo, where it all started for CISV Canada and golden 50th anniversary decorations were never hard to find.

Our JB elections were also held at NBM. Stepping into the role of Jr. NJR is Kalenne Thors, which means Kathy Lewis is our new Sr. NJR! Our new National Camp Coordinator is Patrick Morin and our communications team members are Jess Williams- focusing on external- and Paula Wilson- keeping it groovy with internal. Finally Safiya Dhanani will be chairing the Junior Branch Development Committee. We have a great team together for the upcoming year, keep your eyes open for more information about them (including some pictures) coming up soon. Big BIG thanks to last years lovely exec members: Holly, Brittany, Kalenne and Emily. Also, mad props to all our wonderful JB chairs. You guys are all doing an fantastic job and your chapters are very lucky to have each of you.

With elections, it also means our dear friend Alex has finished his term as NJR. It's been an amazing two years that has seen the start of the Spring Board Training forum, a reorganization of the Junior executive and a lot of amazing powerpoint presentations. Thank you for all your hard work Alex and good luck with your new 'adult' position.

Until next time. xo Kathy and Kalenne

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Return of K&A!

Where, you ask, have Kathy and Alex been for the past while? Why hasn't there been a blog post in some weeks now? Well, we will answer that question but the following few photos should make it pretty clear: we've been working on our modeling career. That's right, Kathy and Alex, in addition to being NJRs are international professional supermodels and we travel the globe pouting our lips and breaking hearts.

Okay, that's not true. But we have been busy...and we can tell you all about it...

We got back from Colombia around the middle of August and not even two days later National Camp began. National Camp took place in Halifax, Nova Scotia this summer at a scouts camp called Camp Nadooae. National Camp, a program which brings together junior branchers of all ages from all over Canada, had a very diverse group this year. We had representatives from every single chapter and developing chapter of JB Canada. We could go on about National Camp and how much of a success it was, but why don't you take it from our participants...

I feel way more connected to JB Canada. I love how everyone shared stories about their chapters and the problems they are having. It is always comforting to know that you are not along and that other chapters are going through the same things.

After this camp I feel so inspired to take an active role in my JB and I’m glad.

I think I’ve seen my leadership and decision-making skills grow and become stronger. I’ve further discovered my strengths and weaknesses when I’m in a leadership role.

I was able to turn dissatisfaction into action!

Huge thanks must go out to the National Camp Coordinator Holly Norris--without her dedication and hard hard work, this camp would simply not have happened. Holly deserves a huge pat on the back and a dozen hip-hip hoorays and should feel very proud of the success of this camp! Thanks Holly.

That's all for now friends. Stay tuned to the CISV Canada website ( for National Camp photos and stay tuned to this channel for updates about...can you guess it?...that's right... NBM! The National Board Meeting is coming up in November in Waterloo and it's going to be huuuuuuge. So come back soon, you don't want to miss it.

Love from the east coast.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Closing time

Well friends,

The NJR adventure in Colombia is drawing to a close.

It has been a journey of late nights, long meetings and good friends. It's been an evolutionary, revolutionary time to be meeting with such fantiastic people from all around the world. JB was deconstructed, evaluated, attitude-checked, knowledge-juiced , and skill-tested.

As we think about our trip home and national camp set to being on tuesday (the 14th), and we are full of motivation and energy to bring back and share with you. We are looking forward to sharing some stories with participants from every chapter in Canada! And of course, hearing about all of your summer adventures.

We hope that all of you have learned, laughed, and smiled as much as the two of us have over the past couple of weeks. We will see some of you very soon, and wish everyone a sunny rest of the summer.

With love,

Kathy and Alex.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Congradulations to a wonderful friend.

Hello CISV Canada!

As you blog frequenters know, our very own Kelly Bowden was running for the posistion of international junior representative. We would like to inform you that Kelly was elected just moments ago, and we would like to give a huge shout out.


IJR 2007-2009

We hope you are all having a wonderful day,

love from your NJRs,

kathy and alex.

21 vs 28 days

Live from the plenary! Alex and Kathy here with an update from the discussion about the 21 vs. 28 day village question. Right now, the board of trustees (the elected representatives from each country of CISV) are discussing how to respond to the research that was done about villages... On the table is a decision for the board to make... Here are some of the questions...

Should villages be 28 days?
Should villages be 21 days?
Should we keep both options?
Should we eliminate village and create a new program?
Should there be a further re-thinking process?
Should we put this decision off until later...?

A decision has to be made. What do you think? We'll pass the word along.

With love from the plenary.

Alex & Kathy

Monday, August 06, 2007

Deconstructing and Reconstructing IJBC

We know what you're wondering: Who the heck are those two girls in green?! I thought this was a blog about Kathy and Alex! Well don't worry, this still is the "NJR blog" but we wanted to be a little bit more inclusive and introduce a few of our Canadian friends who are here with us in Colombia. But who are these mysterious ladies in green and why are they important?

We'll tell you.

Erin (taller, holding the mug) comes from the Ottawa chapter. She enjoys reading Harry Potter, tall people and speaking in high pitched voices. Erin also enjoys deceiving CISV International; recently at IJBC, during an energizer Erin sarcastically explained that she had learned the energizer from J.K. Rowling who "was a leader at my village when I was eleven...before she was famous." Unfortunately, Erin's sarcasm is a little bit too sarcastic and some members of the international community here took her seriously.

Kelly (shorter, eating an apple) comes from the Fredericton chapter. She enjoys scarves, people who validate her good ideas, drinking coffee out of little mugs and deconstructing ideas. Kelly is also playing a very special role here at the International Junior Branch Conference (IJBC) and the Annual International Meeting (AIM). Kelly is a candidate for the position of International Junior Representative (IJR) which is a similar position to NJR but for the entire world of Junior Branch! Kelly is running in this election against Memo from Mexico and Ida from Sweden. The election takes place TODAY!

One thing that the IJRs (and the IJR candidates) do is to plan the International Junior Branch Conference. This conference is a meeting of JBers from all over the world. It is an opportunity for juniors to come together, share experiences, generate new ideas, gain skills and strengthen the fabric of Junior Branch around the world. This year, the IJBC focused especially on DECONSTRUCTING JB as well as JUNIOR BRANCH SELF-EVALUATION and also CREATIVITY.

Here's a question to ponder... Can any group of youth working toward the JB goals be considered a Junior Branch?

Want more to ponder? There is a document called the Final Packet which has summaries of all of the sessions from IJBC with detailed descriptions. If you're curious, e-mail us and we'll send it to you! (

With love from the plenary of the Annual International Meeting!

Alex & Kathy

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Restructuring, new friends, and the occasional duck.

Kelly, Alex and Kathy bending over backwards, all for CISV Canada. (plus the view from our site)

Hello CISV Sportsfans!

Well, your NJR's are now in beautiful Paipa, meditating on some wonderful memories made at the Americas' Regional Members Meeting 2007. At the meeting, we had the highest number of countries to ever attend an ARM meeting. We had representatives from Honduras, Peru and Ecuador.

The meeting was filled with Latin music, creativity and forward thinking. There was also the occasional visiting animal inside the meeting room (we were staying in a sort of farmhouse. There were kittens) Australia came and was accepted into our region. The representative Chris then went promptly onto joining the ARM team.

It was a meeting of evolutionary proportions. The Americas region (in the past) always had 2 regional coordinators (recos) who coordinated growth and development in the americas, and worked with the two IJRs. The recos worked much like we (your njrs) do. There was a new one elected every year at ARMM and they each served a two-year term. But this year, we hit a snag. There were no accepted nominations for a new reco. As a result, we decided that we needed to seriously examine the leadership of our region.

After several incredible sessions, we all reached a consensus on a new structure for the organization. There will be a team of people working to help develop several nuclei throughout the americas. For example, the US and Canada would be a nucleus, as would central america, and JB South (south america). The team will be a team of JBers from all over the Americas who will help these nuclei to grow and develop. They will be facilitated by a Facilitator, who will have a two-year term.

The ARM team this year will be:
Maru Ayam (ARG)
Martin Rottler (USA)
Chris Settle (Australia!)
Raquel Garcia (BRA)
Meli Monge (CRC)
Juli Buritica (COL)
Mateo Velez (COL)
Pascual Mendez (GUA)
Facilitator: Maji Lozano (COL)

You can get into contact with them at They would love to hear your thoughts, answer questions, and make new friends!

All in all, it was an outstanding experience. There are many plans in the works for development, and there will be many opportunities for you to
get on up, and get involved!
(cue James Brown music)
With love,

Kathy and Alex

p.s. check out the newest issue of IJB thinks at (on the right-hand collumn)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We're here!

After weeks of trekking through the jungle, fending off a variety of wild animals and large insects, Kathy and Alex safely arrived in the breathtaking mountainscape of Bogotá. Okay, just kidding, we both flew here. But we did make it and we couldn't be happier...or more excited.

Our first adventure together was set at the infamous "Casa Lozano" (home of CISV Colombia superstars, Maji, Juanca and Luz Lozano). Maji was arriving home from a semester in Spain and the party was supposed to be a surprise. As Canadian NJRs we also got a surprise when we experienced the cultural difference that is a Colombian surprise party. While the two of us threw in our hats at 3 am, the fiesta reportedly raged until 6:30am. Shakira claims that her hips dont' lie. By the end of the night ours were quite sore.

For the past few days we have been staying together with a lovely family named the Barreras. Camila and Ade are both on the staff team for the Annual International Meeting (AIM) and though they have both been furiously busy, they have been the best hosts we could possibly have asked for. Sunday was dad Fernando's birthday party at which we appeared as special novelty guests. Hola, somos Alex y Kathy de Canadá.

As we draw closer and closer to the beginning of the international meetings more and more CISVers have been arriving in Bogotá. Last night we discovered just how many of us are already hanging out in this beautiful city. It's interesting to be in a city knowing that dozens of other CISVers (from dozens of different countries) are so nearby. What started out as a small gathering, at a very small bar, soon became a friendly take over where old an new friends connected over pitchers and a bossa nova band. By the end of the night there wasn't a soul in the bar who wasn't looking forward to the meetings ahead.

Tomorrow morning, we'll be getting up early. Really early. At 7:00 am we will be getting on a bus to the first of our three meetings. The Americas' Regional Members Meeting or ARMM brings together representatives from the 14 CISV countries in North, Central and South America. The meeting is organized and run by the regional coordiantors (Maji from Colombia and Nano from Costa Rica) along with a staff team of Colombians and Canada's own Erin Way! Interested in getting involved with Junior Branch work in the Americas? Stay tuned to find what projects ARM will be working on this year and drop us a line if any of it sounds cool to you! There will be LOTS of opportunities to get involved. Although it may just be the two of us here in Colombia, it is all of your guys that we are representing. We want to do our best to connect international JB projects with your skills, talents, and energy. Fo' real.

Curious about the above photo? We were lucky enough to drop into the national night of a Bogotá-Ottawa interchange and they asked us to help them out. They were reforming a Colombian-Canadian tribute to the Village People. We willingly obliged. Have you seen your NJRs (including potential future NJR Shaun from Ottawa) more excited? We doubt you have.

If you have any questions... comments...thoughts...whims about anything to do with these upcomming meetings (or about life in general), your very stylish NJRs are waiting with computers in lap. It's as easy as ...

un beso desde Colombia!
Kathy & Alex

Monday, July 02, 2007

Come to Colombia with Kathy & Alex!

It's coming up fast... Kathy and Alex will be leaving in a few weeks for Colombia where they will be representing the juniors of Canada at three meetings: the Americas Regional Members Meeting (ARMM), the International Junior Branch Conference (IJBC) and the Annual International Meeting (AIM). That's a lot of meeting!

But we can't do it ourselves! We need you to be there with us and that's where the blog comes in. We are going to update this space regularly with the latest news, discoveries and gossip from the heart of the meetings!

Where do you come in? Well, if you'll notice below, there's a little button that says COMMENT... That's where you do a little bit of clicking and a little bit of typing and leave us your thoughts, greetings, suggestions, poetry, or whatever you please!

Won't you please come along with us?

Love. Kathy & Alex

Monday, June 11, 2007

Spring Board Training Forum!

Spring Board Trainning Forum. Some very serious buisness.

Hello friends.

On the may long weekend this year, participants from all across Canada gathered in Ottawa for a weekend of inspiration, education, fun, and friends.

The theme this year was "points, lines, shapes and planes - the building blocks of juniour branch".

We all began as points and connected ourselves through lines by setting goals for the weekends and talking about our chapters. We began to see that other chapters deal with the same things we do, and strengthened our connections on a national level. We began to see shapes emerging as we started to think about where our problems come from and why things have happened the way they have in the past.

As our weekend drew to a close, we were all tired, but we had reached a new plane. All the participants realized their own leadership capabilities, and left refreshed, ready to take their new knowledge and resources back to their chapters.
Everyone was sad to leave their new friends, but excited to tell everyone about how great SBTF was.

As NJRs, we want to thank all the participants for being as awesome as they were and for making our vision of SBTF come true!

We hope that some great stories from SBTF have gotten back to the chapters, and people are already looking forward to next year!

Lots of love
Kathy and Alex

p.s. remember to keep checking here for updates from Colombia!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More Photo Contest Entries!

Highway Clean-up: TAKE PRIDE SASKATCHEWAN! Historically the Highway clean up fundraiser was the most DREADED of events. Hot, smelly, bug filled, hard work. Yes everyone complained about how hard and terrible this fundraiser activity was, but it's one part of our past we will never forget. "Remeber the time we found so many car parts in the ditch that we could have put them all together to make a full car??"

Bowling: What's JB Saskatoon without the local bowling ally!? It was not a surprise to find the first JB activity of the year to be held at the bowling ally (and usually the last one too.. and maybe a few inbetween as well)
In the picture: Karen, Cassandra, Kirstin

Organizing: Our JB meetings were rather offical the year Carol was Junior Chair, it's great to have a big meeting space at her parents office! It might look like we were always hard at work but JB meetings usually mean lots of snacks, lots of planning and lots of fun and socializing. Can't see all the people, I just remeber we had a visitor from Calgary join this meeting (ya for Tarik)

Super Heros Unite Mini Camp: In 2006 we hosted a SUPER HEROS UNITE mini camp where we invited all our junior branch super heros in training to come and talk about what it means to be a super hero, who our every day super heros are and how we can make a difference in our world. We started the weekend by Learning about the other Super buddies and by Discovering our super-selves.

24 Hour Relay For Camp Easterseals: This was a project the junior branch participated in to go along with the theme of the seminar camp we hosted. The 24 hour relay for camp easerseals is a fundraiser for Camp Easterseals where the seminar camp participants spent some of their time. Carol got a prize for the most online donations. Go Team.

Hello JB Canada!
Alex and Kathy here, with more photo contest entries. Here are some lovely ones from Ottawa and Toronto.

From the Top!
The First One: Some good "points" in this one! This is one from the Ottawa winter camp in 2005. It is from a debrief which are so important to CISV because that where so many good points are brought up. These can develop through discussion into lines, plans and shapes that include more and more dimensions and opinions as they progress.
Seccond: This picture is also from Ottawa winter camp 2005. It is the other side of the debating group. If you look closely at every person, you could tell a story for each one. Amber looks depressed cause her team is losing, Erin’s counting down until their arguing time is over, which is stressing Julia who is trying to concentrate and look at the arguments that she could give to the others, Jess just looks confused, Derrick seems to not understand what’s going on and Charles is just listening to the whole thing go down.
Third: This picture, also from CISV Ottawa’s 2005 winter camp shows lots of good points, lines, shapes and planes. And it shows what a blast CISV can be!

Keep those photo's coming, not much time left now!
Hope you are all getting excited for the SpBoTrFo!


Alex and Kathy

Monday, March 19, 2007



That’s right boys and girls! JB Canada is holding a contest and everyone can play! Check it out: We want to amass a collection of photos that capture the spirit and energy of JB Canada. We’re going to put all of the photos up on the NJR blog for everyone to see and the winning photographers will win sweet prizes!

The Theme!
The theme of the photo contest is Points, Lines, Shapes and Planes: Building Blocks of JB Canada. This also happens to be the theme of the upcoming Spring Board Training Forum in May. The theme is meant as a creative spark, but don’t feel limited by it! Any photos that you think represent JB in one way or another are more than welcome!

Want to submit a photo?
Each person can submit up to three photos. Simply e-mail them to with a short description of the photo, and your chapter. The only catch is that they must be your own photos! The contest will be open until Alex’s birthday, May 11th!

Grand Prizes!
After the contest closes, we’ll determine the top three winning photos by popular vote! The winners will receive the sweetest prize imaginable: An article of CISV gear straight from the wardrobes of your NJRs! Woah! There will also be a prize for the CHAPTER that has the most JBers submit photos!

2007 Spring Mini Camp, yes there's still snow on the ground here! This is our JB creating a pyramid together outside. It was really tough as there was snow on the ground, and there are quite a few of us! (Caitlyn, Calgary)

This is a photo I took at our Toronto Mini-Camp last fall. I don't really understand the points, lines, shapes, and planes thing, but there are lines on the gameboard...... (Caileigh, Toronto)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Fonts, Colours and the New Look...Check out the GUIDELINES!

Creative use of colour not only engages our audience but also reflects the kind of organization we are. Not just that, but we should be seen as colourful to match our diverse global spread. So colours can also be used to express the values of our brand.
-From the GUIDELINES for the new CISV Brand Identity

So, by now you've seen the new logo, but before you go making new JB t-shirts, check out the brand new new brand GUIDELINES. These are some seriously comprehensive details about what you can and cannot do with the new "brand idendity." ...For the record, the NJRs are officially fond of "pantone warm red." What's your favourite pantone?

Check out:

brand identity love,
Kath & Al

Monday, March 05, 2007

Fresh New Digs

Woah! What happened ago? Just a few minutes ago the CISV logo had a cowboy and a dutch girl and some vaguely outlined countries on its globe. Now it's all round and sleek and fresh!

And what is this tagline I now see attached to the bottom? Is this thing always going to be here? What does building global friendship mean, anyway? This is all very overwhelming!

Maybe we should check out the new for some answers...

Al & Kath

mid wintery mischief

While the blog may have gone in hibernation for the winter, fear not! The NJRs certainly haven't been hibernating and neither has the national executive...

In January the national executive met in Toronto for the annual mid winter meeting, a two day gathering to touch base, get some business done and warm up in the hot tub!

Mid Winter Meeting this year covered such topics as AIM 2007, Spring Board Training Forum, CISV Halifax, NBM 2007 in Waterloo, the re-branding initiative and the future of CISV Canada. Want to know more? Check out the minutes from the meeting in the members section of

Stay tuned to the blog because this bear is awake and ready from spring...did somebody say new logo...? Did somebody say something about a CISV makeover...?

Kath & Al