The NJRs (National Junior Representatives)
So I'm Kathy Lewis. Originally from Fredericton, I now live and go to school in Halifax, where I study contemporary history and philosophy, international relations, and gender and

Hey everyone! My name is Kalenne Thors and I'm originally from the Victoria chapter but I'm currently living in Vancouver, in my second year at UBC. I'm still involved at a local level

I'm studying Political Science and I generally like everything associated with that, as well as sports, weekends, recycling and watching movies with my roommates when I really don't have time. I also like holidays and other things that are easily themed. I dislike being bored, not remembering where I put things and the giant puddle that forms outside the Arts building when it rains a lot. I'm super excited to be taking on the job of NJR, continuing on the 'K' tradition and working with everyone (and I mean everyone, JBers, adults, your friend, your cat...).
We really like you (yes you) a lot. We think you're pretty cool. We also like hearing from you. Through the wonders of technology you can email us both, at the same time, at or leave a comment here. Sweet.
The NCC (National Camp Coordinator)
My name is Patrick and I am from Saskatoon. I go the University of Saskatchewan where I am currently in my fourth and final year of studying Political Studies. In my s
Wanna talk Nat Camp? Ya you do. To get in touch with Pat fire off an email to
JBDCC (Junior Branch Development Committee Chair)
My name is Safiya Dhanani, I am 16 and I live in the gorgeous city of Vancouver! (I have to say I am quite pleased with the west coast representation this year) I have been in CISV since I was 11; First going to Lucknow, India for my village and then traveling to Ca

I am an ex-competitive field hockey player. The 'ex' referring to my ANNOYING knee cap injury...which has put me out for the season. I love rock climbing and most outdoor things...building igloos and camping out in them in crazy snow conditions being a favorite as well! I really like coffee. No, let me rephrase, I love the smell of coffee but strangely I can't even manage to finish one cup. I like going for loooooonnnnnng runs especially in the rain. My favorite gadget is currently my ipod, it is very hard to find us apart! Currently my top played bands include; Feist, Phoenix, and Bloc Party. I speak mandarin (not fluently) and I sing a lot! Apart from daily shower singing I sing in 3 choirs. I am currently reading 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance' and am VERY JAZZED to be working with a very stellar and goodlookin, as someone mentioned, group of CISVers.
To get in touch with the JB Development Committee email Safiya at
The Communications Duo- they like speaking in point form.
The ICC (Internal Communications Chair)
-I'm Paula Wilson, but many a man call me PHW or, alternatively, Pdub which is slightly embarassing though catchy.
-I live in downtown

-I am also REALLY excited this year about the canuck and generally how everything with jb canada has shaped up to be.
-It's much easier for me to describe my ownself in point form, though occasionally I prefer the run-on paragraph.
-Last night I dreamed that I was Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter, one of 5, and we solved mysteries in the student parking lot of my school.
-Talking on skype makes me uncomfortable because I feel like Phil of the Future!
- I just got my last paycheck from Second Cup, where my favourite customer had no teeth and sat in the corner singing ballads quietly enough that he would not disturb anyone, but loud enough make sure we ALL knew he meant business.

- I'm notoriously terrible at math, though I do write a mean paper.
- I use words like notorious freely though I often do not know in what context they are appropriate.
- My favourite colour is seafoam green, and it may interest you to know I'm terribly afraid of water.
- My current project is writing a one act play with my friend for our January theatre class wherein a couple breaks up at a Karaoke Party because the wife thought her husband's favourite movie was Back to the Future, where it actually is the second Die Hard. It's entitled "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart", you're all invited.
- On that note, my favourite movie is the Big Lebowski.
The ECC (External Communications Chair)
- I am Jessica Mae Williams, "call me Bubbles everyone doesss".
- Jess is fine too.
- I live in Fredericton.

- I go to a real big girl school and I study Fine Arts-ish stuff + Archaeology and Literature
- I'm Seminar Camp Chair for my chapter.
- When I work it's at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery.
- I should be writing an Archaeology paper, but I like you more than carbon dating, but not more than dinosaurs.
- I applied for a new job today as coordinator for my University's Art Exhibition. Fingers crossed I get it.
- I just bought two fish, tetra and neon tetra. They're named Harold and Maude. They're on vacation right now at a friends house.
- I like movies A LOT. I thought about telling you my favorites but I'll just say that I like Shogun Assassin and I like you.
"There are many Jess' in the park, they grow tall and the children climb them. One day I will go there and chop all the Jess' down and burn them for heat and comic effect."
- My favorite colour is International Klein Blue. I don't realllly like blue I just like the idea of patenting a colour. Ownership, that's the stuff dreams are made of.
To communicate with the communications team you can email Paula at or Jess at
Canuck submissions can be sent to
There's always room for a few more in the van, so JBers, let us know what you're thinking. We're always looking for input on where we should be headed so don't forget to drop us a line. See that add comments option? Us it! Or, feel free to email, write a letter, facebook stalk or send a carrier pigeon. You know where to find us, in our sweet CISV mini van.
Love love. K and K
1 comment:
WHAT A COOL TEAM!!!??!!!?!!!!!
(I've recently decided that a whole bunch of exclamation marks interspersed with a few question marks really adds an oomph that you just can't get with any other combination of punctuation marks. Try re-arranging the positions of the question marks and see how the emphasis changes!)
But seriously, you guys are really cool. big big love.
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