Kathy Lewis
Hello JB Canada/confused web searchers! My name is Kathy Lewis, and I am one of the 'K''s who is running to be YOUR NJR! Madness. I originally hail from Freddy Beach, but I am currently in 1st year university in Halifax! This past year I was the Juniour Branch Development Chair, which meant I got to be creative all year. Like fingerpainting with macaroni and sparkles, but with words and ideas. I like sunrises more tham sunsets, and I can never listen to the end of a song. I have to skip to a new song on my diskman when the song is fading away. My favorite letter of the word peace is the 'p' because it completes a circle and then reaches out to the beyond. I think you can find inner peace through the steam of a hot chocolate to a friend's face. My favorite song is currently "The Mother" by Xavier Rudd, and my favorite book is currently "Oh the places you'll go!" by Dr. Seuss. It was the theme of the summer camp I kitchenstaffed this July. I still believe in Magic, and it is my current dream to be JB Canada's Jr. NJR for 2006-2007!
Allo JB Canada ! Je m'appelle Kathy Lewis, et je suis un des « K » › le s qui court être VOTRE NJR ! Folie. Je viens du Fredericton, mais je suis actuellement dans mon premier anneé d'université au Halifax ! Cette année passée j'étais la Chaise de Développement de Branche Junior, qui a signifié que j'étais créatif toute l'année. Comme 'fingerpainting' avec les macaronis et étincelle, mais avec les mots et les idées. J'aime les couchers du soleil de plus que les levers du soleil, et je ne peux jamais écouter la fin d'une chanson. Je dois sauter à une nouvelle chanson sur mon diskman quand la chanson disparaît. Ma lettre préférée du mot paix est le « p » parce qu'il complète un cercle et après aller danser sur la page. Je crois que to peut trouver la paix intérieure par la vapeur d'un chocolat chaud à une visage d'un ami. Ma chanson préférée de maitenant est « The Mother » par Xavier Rudd, et mon livre préféré de maitenant est « Oh the places you'll go! » par Dr. Seuss. C'était le thème du camp d'été que j'ai 'kitchenstaffed' ce juillet. Je crois toujours en la Magie, et c'est mon rêve actuel pour être ton Jr. NJR pour 2006-2007 !
much love,
Keenan Dixon
Keenan has recently started Peace and Conflict Studies with International Relations at the University of Toronto, and finds her new home in downtown Toronto. Since many of you know her, here are some random fun facts that you might not know; she was a fetus while her mother ran the Olympic torch, she enjoys a nice smoothie with her breakfast. Her favourite smell is vanilla, she doesn't really like hail, but she loves a good thunderstorm. Her friends call her 'Keeners' or 'Kiwi', she enjoys long walks in the mountains and making people laugh. She doesn't drink coffee, but loves basketball; she watches Grey's Anatomy and lately has been listening to a lot of Shania Twain and the Dixie Chicks. Her favourite quote is 'Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their colour. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense and choosing your friends by their colour is unthinkable'.
Kalenne Thors
Hi all you JBers (and anyone else reading this)
What’s that? You want to know all about me? Great! You’ll be hearing tons
about my ideas and reasons for wanting to be NJR later, so instead here are
some different things about me…
My home chapter is CISV Victoria but currently I’m living in Vancouver
attending UBC. Besides English I also speak French,
quite a bit of Spanish and I’ve just started taking Russian this year at
Uni. My first international program was a Village in Norway in 1999 and my
most recent was the ARMM/IJBC/ AIM in Sweden. My favourite CISV games are
Mickey Mouse, the Chocolate Bar Game and all simulation games or activities
that lead to great discussions. I love sports especially soccer and swimming
and I also enjoy camping, hiking and other outdoor activities. I really like
sewing and I work at a fabric store when I’m not at school. My favourite
movies are Dirty Dancing and The Princess Bride and my favourite TV shows
are the Amazing Race and any Quebecois game show. I had an absolutely
fabulous time working as a member of the national executive this year and I
can’t wait to keep it up! See you all soon ?
Wait… I guess I didn’t tell you any of my weird quirks did I, well, here you
I have a not so secret love of attending board meetings.
I think everything is better if it has a theme.
I love using markers to make signs, draw pictures, whatever.
I recycle obsessively and can’t stand litter.
I have a collection of strange socks.
My favorite letter of CISV is the C, what's yours?
three stellar looking NJR candidates!
i was wondering about that beginning of the name letter requirement that I had suggested in my honour, but it seems to have worked out fabulously!
Congrats to three cool K's!
Hey everybody,
Those 3K's look like brilliant candidates. I am sure the new "Special K" (Kelly seemed to be the last one) will complement Alex and strive for a cooler, oh-so-fantastically-groovy future for JB Canada, ARM and the WORLD!
Much love, best of lucks and stay in school.
/Nano - your ReCo.
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