KELLY: Hey Alex, what's IJBC?
ALEX: Well Kelly, I would be thrilled to tell you about it...
KELLY: Woo hoo!
ALEX: The origins IJBC date back to 1867 when the first congress was held among the representatives of the various regions of Canada...
KELLY: Um, Alex, I don't mean to interrupt you, but I'm pretty sure you're describing Canadian Confederation.
ALEX: Oh, right. Shit.
KELLY: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was pretty sure that IJBC is the annual meeting that brings together representatives and juniors from every nation of CISV worldwide.
ALEX: So, it's kind of like the General Assembly of the United Nations, but for CISV?
KELLY: You speak truth my fine friend. It's a forum for collaboration, learning and helping develop a sense of community among the youth of CISV from all parts of the world.
ALEX: I guess that is quite different from confederation.
The IJBC is hosted in a different country each summer, always taking place right before the Annual International Meeting (or AIM) of CISV. The National Junior Representatives (NJRs like Kelly and Alex) participate in the conference which is planned by the International Junior Representatives (IJRs) together with the candidates who are running for that position.
This year, the International Junior Branch chose "Exclusion" as an educational theme to be explored. A good chunk of IJBC was spent exploring this topic.
Where do we see Exclusion in CISV?
How do often do we exclude unintentionally?
How can we work towards making CISV less exclusive? Or perhaps more inclusive?
Is exclusion always a negative thing?
Have you ever observed exclusion in your chapter? This question is an interesting one and what is more interesting is what can come out of exploring a question like this. The International Junior Branch will be submitting some ideas to the board of CISV international outlining some of the ways CISV, as an organization can work toward avoiding exclusion as it develops.
What are your thoughts on exclusion?
We want to hear from you! This dialogue on Exclusion is going to continue and the hope is to have as many voices and opinions heard as possible. Whether it be a thought, a question, a story or even just some words, Junior Branch is truly a global community and as a CISVer, your are a part of this community. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!
Stay tuned for updates on the IJR elections, the Annual International Meeting and...re-branding!!
One big clap from Sweden. Your friends,
kelly, alex, kalenne, and the participants of IJBC
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