Sunday, August 09, 2009

Election Results

Hot News!

The new IJR has been announced! Please welcome Rowan El Shimi, IJR 2009-11. Yay!

We are very excited to see Rou at work and to see what she comes up with for the future of IJB. Check out her jbpedia page here

Of course this means we say goodbye to the current Sr. IJR, our dear friend Kelly Bowden. Kelly did a wonderful job over the past two years to work for JBers everywhere, putting in countelss hours and tireless effort. But don't worry, she's not leaving CISV forever, there's even an NBM rumor floating around... hmm.

From Guate!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

IJR Candidates

Each year at the AIM the NJRs of the world elect a new International Junior Rep to take on a two year term as the go to person for international junior branch. It's like being NJR, but for the world. The IJRs are responsible for chairing the IJB committee and representing the Junior Branch on the adult board. They help pull together everyone's ideas to make them into a plan to assist juniors around the world.

So this year we have two excellent candidates vying for the chance to join the current IJR Maru in the job. The candidates this year are:

Rou from Egypt and Juanma from Colombia. Last night we had some excellent answers from both sides in the Q and A and both have worked so hard during the last months and for this IJBC. Before the IJBC they were asked to make up album covers for themsleves. These are them:

Of course with the election it means it is time for Canada's own Kelly Bowden to step down from her role as IJR. She has done a fabulous job over the last two years and deserves a huge thank you for all her effort and ideas.

Elections will be held during AIM and of course we'll tell you the result as soon as we know it.

From Guatemala, Kalenne and RĂ©mi.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Summer Time is Meeting Time

Hello lovely juniors!

This is just an update about the fabulous meetings that take place during the summer months for NJRs, active juniors and tons of involved adults!

The meetings are ARMM (America's Regional Members Meeting), IJBC (International Junior Branch Conference) and AIM (Annual International Meeting). This year they are all being held in Guatemala.

ARMM was the first meeting on the agenda and is attended by NJRs and JBers from the Americas Region (from Canada to Argentina and everything in between). This is not much meeting and lots of training and workshops to help give the participants and facilitators more skills and ideas to help their local and national JBs develope. Everyone had a lovely and informative time and is now more prepared to tackle problems, run sweet sessions and make good things happen. Yes!

Many of these ARMM participants have now moved on to IJBC, which is at this very moment half way through its first day. And there's exciting news about this! Ready?!

Rather than reading only reading Kalenne's opinions and memories here you can read a collective blog of many participants' takes on the meeting on the IJBC Live Blog!

The link to it is here:

Check back often and follow along the IJBC happenings, since afterall, it's a meeting for Juniors around the world and that includes you!

High fives from Guate!

PS The blog is put on by the IJB Connect Team and they're so techy it's also in Twitter form here: