Highway Clean-up: TAKE PRIDE SASKATCHEWAN! Historically the Highway clean up fundraiser was the most DREADED of events. Hot, smelly, bug filled, hard work. Yes everyone complained about how hard and terrible this fundraiser activity was, but it's one part of our past we will never forget. "Remeber the time we found so many car parts in the ditch that we could have put them all together to make a full car??"

Bowling: What's JB Saskatoon without the local bowling ally!? It was not a surprise to find the first JB activity of the year to be held at the bowling ally (and usually the last one too.. and maybe a few inbetween as well)
In the picture: Karen, Cassandra, Kirstin

Organizing: Our JB meetings were rather offical the year Carol was Junior Chair, it's great to have a big meeting space at her parents office! It might look like we were always hard at work but JB meetings usually mean lots of snacks, lots of planning and lots of fun and socializing. Can't see all the people, I just remeber we had a visitor from Calgary join this meeting (ya for Tarik)

Alex and Kathy here, with more photo contest entries. Here are some lovely ones from Ottawa and Toronto.
From the Top!
The First One: Some good "points" in this one! This is one from the Ottawa winter camp in 2005. It is from a debrief which are so important to CISV because that where so many good points are brought up. These can develop through discussion into lines, plans and shapes that include more and more dimensions and opinions as they progress.
Seccond: This picture is also from Ottawa winter camp 2005. It is the other side of the debating group. If you look closely at every person, you could tell a story for each one. Amber looks depressed cause her team is losing, Erin’s counting down until their arguing time is over, which is stressing Julia who is trying to concentrate and look at the arguments that she could give to the others, Jess just looks confused, Derrick seems to not understand what’s going on and Charles is just listening to the whole thing go down.
Third: This picture, also from CISV Ottawa’s 2005 winter camp shows lots of good points, lines, shapes and planes. And it shows what a blast CISV can be!
Keep those photo's coming, not much time left now!
Hope you are all getting excited for the SpBoTrFo!
Hope you are all getting excited for the SpBoTrFo!
Alex and Kathy