February 2nd to 5th. Mexico City. JBers from around the world. One collective goal: Meet the needs of JBers head-on.
The International Training Forum for the Americas is an international workshop created for the National Associations (hey- that includes us!) to solve our collective needs. There are plans in the works to...
- Study and discuss how we analyze our work
- Study and work on planning techniques and project management
- Introduce and discuss communication tools
- Talk about fundraising, board operation, as well as recruiting and retaining volunteers and members.
So what does this have to do with all of you? Well, we were really hoping that the lovely JB Canada could some representation in all of this joy.
But hey... I totally thought of another exciting upcoming CISV event that could involve sombreros...
It's AIM 2006 in COLOMBIA!
I know it's a little early to be thinking about these sorts of things, but the fact of the matter is that Canada is actually co-hosting AIM this year. Which means we will need some mad representation. And any and all interested JBers from Canada are more than welcome to come party with CISV international. It will be taking place this august, and more information will be coming soon, so keep those looking-balls open for more updates.
JB Canada is way to cool not to be represented at these events. And any JBer can take part. Yes, even you. Love CISV? Want to get more involved? Want to sing the pony song in a sombrero? Not to sure about the last one, but please e-mail your wonderful NJRs at njr@ca.cisv.org and we will fill your heads (and e-mail inboxes) with pre-camps and registration information.
I hope the holidays have been festive, and the candy-canes peppermint-y.
kathy and alex