Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The NATIONAL BOARD MEETING is CISV Canada's annual meeting. Each November, youth and adult representatives from each of CISV Canada's chapters come together to spend 3 days collaborating, discussing important issues, making connections and shaping the future of CISV Canada. If you are interested in attending NBM or simply finding out more, e-mail Kelly and Alex (njr@ca.cisv.org).

What's in a THEME?

Each year, NBM has a theme. the idea behind having a theme is to explore have one idea that can run as a thread through the entire meeting. Last year, the theme Spread the Light made pay special attention to our Challenges (red lights) and Successes (green lights).

This year, the theme of NBM is "YOU ARE AT THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING!"

...but what does that mean?!
As a BLOG ACTIVITY, we want to try something...

We want you to draw CISV and YOU.
How do you fit into CISV? How does CISV fit into you? What part of CISV do you feel most connected to? What about least connected to? Show us in some sort of visual representation! We'll post it!

And then we want you to send it to us (njr@ca.cisv.org) and we will post the submissions on our blog. Use a program like PAINT or ILLUSTRATOR on your computer, or do a real drawing and scan it if you can. If you'd prefer to write something, feel free to do that as well. We want to hear from YOU!

by Kalenne Thors

by Kathy Lewis

NATIONAL CAMP 2006 in Toronto

It's hard to choose one photo to represent an entire National Camp. Coming out of any camp there are hundreds to choose from. Pictures of people hugging, running, playing, eating, cooperating and so on. There are group photos, landscape shots, self-portraits, even the odd mess-up photo.

We chose this shot, which we've entitled "Help is Close to Home", a symbol of many different flavours and textures, all cooperating-- all riding together in the back of our big yellow truck. This makes a good metaphor for National Camp 2006, we think.

But if you want to find out more, you should stayed tuned to the CISV Canada website (www.cisv.ca) where there will soon be posted a photo gallery of National Camp along with a report! If you have any questions about National Camp or the role of National Camp coordinator, don't hesitate to get in touch with Adina Muskat (NC coordinator 2005-2006) at adinamuskat@gmail.com.

What's that....? Do you hear something comin...? It sounds like...like...NBM!
